Despite aching feet (who needs feet to ride, anyway?) and bizarre dreams pointing to secret self-doubt, I joined the local bike club (LBC) for their Sunday Slower ride. We did what's apparently the staple for this particular day and time: the Verdi ride.
I did much better than the last time (solo). I'll confess that part of that may come from the push and drive of being in a group ride (and maybe a teenie bit of drafting), but I'll take the rest as credit for developing strength and stamina. Last time, I had to stop twice (once during a climb, and once at the summit of another climb). No stopping today! I also had a faster overall speed and a lower average heart rate. Yeehaw!
Unfortunately, I pushed "start" on my Garmin about a mile into the ride, so the numbers are a bit off.
Stats: 19.39 miles in 1:19:01. Average speed: 14.7 mph. Total ascent: 947', total elevation gain: about 350'.
Two Interval Days: Bike and Track
23 hours ago
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