OK, day number two of having to get up at a respectable hour, having to look like a decent human being by a particular time, and having to be at work, and I again got up again shortly after 4:00. (Go, me!) Realizing that I had to be at the school earlier than I had planned and had some prep to do even before then, I gave myself "permission" not to do the yoga I would. (Oh, yeah, I need to change my workout schedule on the sidebar. I'll do that soon.)
Surprisingly, I went ahead and did the "shortest" of my yoga anyway (25 minutes). Yay for me! Tomorrow morning I'll do a short run since I'm racing (ha!) on Saturday. (I've been inviting people to come watch me pant and crawl across the finish line, but warning them to be prepared to wait about ten minutes after everyone else finishes.)
On another note, I'll confess: I was surprised that no one commented on my weight loss yesterday. You'd figure that, after two and a half months of vacation, people would notice a weight drop of 25 pounds. Well, today a couple of people commented. Interestingly, one person, instead of commenting on my weight loss, told me that my top was flattering. Well, I'm sure the shirt I've had for well over a year is much more flattering now than it was back a few months! (I thought.) And, thanks. (I said.)
I know, I know, I shouldn't even feed off of comments like this, or wonder about the lack thereof. This is more about fitness and quality of life than vanity, after all. But, you do have to realize that I'm only human, and I have the typical frail ego that feeds quite hungrily off of compliments. I don't think I'm alone in this.
No, I'm not fishing for compliments here, especially because I haven't posted a recent picture. But, maybe you could consider going out of your way to compliment someone during your day tomorrow. I'll do the same. Just a thought.
Two Interval Days: Bike and Track
1 day ago
Love your blog! I ran across your URL on the C25K community. You're a real encouragement! I'm thinking about starting C25K next week (or at least starting a walking program in preparation for C25K), but I was hesitant - can I really do this? Am I going to hurt myself? You've given me hope that this is doable. Thank you!
Wow, that's really a wonderful thing to say! I'm so touched and flattered. Thanks.
And, as you know, you can do it! I'd love to hear updates on your progress!
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