It's been cold, you see; it's been winter. When there wasn't ice or snow, there was cold. I mean these are bitter cold mornings. I have to get up early as it is, and it's even worse if I have to get up and out into the freezing cold. Well, I guess that excuse has well outlived its validity.

Did you catch that? 4:15 A.M. Ante meridiem. That's a quarter after the middle of the night.
It. Felt. Great.
And the great feeling lasted all through the workday. Now, I need to hold on to the memories of that greatness, that alertness, that feeling of starting the day with physical accomplishment, and even the wonderful sounds of the sweet birds and frogs who sang to us despite the lack of dawn.
I need to hold on to those memories because something tells me that I'll need every single one of them to talk me out of bed tomorrow morning at 4:00 a.m. If I'm successful, this could be the beginning of a wonderful thing.
1 comment:
I love these dark hours when nobody is about, and every thing is so quiet. It is almost poetic to do a run or a ride at this hour. Too bad I don't do it that often. ;)
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