So today I retook it. Well, except for the 1.5 mile run. I estimated that time off of my recent 5k race. So, if anything, my time is a little slow. This policy of estimating rather than going out and running 1.5 miles is not likely to change any time soon, so that metric will still be consistent.
On with the show. Here are my results from January and my results from today. Cue the horns!
OK, so let's look at the results. My running, half sit-ups, and sit-and-reach have all improved. That's good. My push-ups have stayed stagnant. That's a little disappointing, but understandable since I actually haven't been doing any push-ups. (Although I haven't been doing any sit-ups or stretching exercises, either.) I had hoped that the related exercises I'm doing would help my push-ups; apparently that's not the case. I'll have to put push-ups into my next strength routine.
I'm somewhat bemused that I get the same response of "Obesity, Very High Risk of Disease" for my body composition for the two BMIs and waist circumferences. You'd think that a difference of 38 pounds and five inches would get a somewhat different response. I mean, I know it's a computer and it's only spitting out data for given input, and it's not like it knows that that was me back then, but you'd think it would have more options for what to spit out at people at various levels. (And, yeah, I know BMI is garbage, but it just would be nice. That's all.)
OK, let's put the weight and belly measurement aside and look back at what matters: fitness.
I've gone from an overall score of the 23rd percentile to the 40th percentile. So, in that hypothetical room of 100 people, I've jumped over 17 people. Hey. That's not too shabby. I've also gone from above average in one area to above average in two areas. That's not too shabby, either.
You know, I think I may feel a little something of the opposite of disappointment in these results. Obama and his six-pack would be proud. You know, if he had time to care.
You are awesome!! (hear that as it was said as I read your results, fast and loud and intense, kind of screaming with joy.) haha
Nice work. I LOVE that you are showing that this is not a quick process. You have worked your butt off, literally, in a healthy, methodical (albeit more methodical than I could function) way that is a role model for everyone!! EVERYONE (see above for how to properly reinact EVERYONE) :)
Thanks! I appreciate your ENTHUSIASM! :D It certainly is a slow process, but as long as progress is there, I'm happy.
Karen, I am so impresed with your progress! And those 5" made my jaw hit the floor. Losing 5" off your waist is a huge accomplishment. Now go celebrate by doing three sets of ten push-ups! LOL.
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